Some people feel self-conscious about scarring on the arms, hands, legs or feet, but serious facial injuries could affect the mental well-being of almost anyone. According to the American Medical Association Journal of Ethics, a person's face is more than just a...
Personal Injury
The potential underlying causes of cerebral palsy
Cerebral palsy is a condition that is caused by abnormal development of the brain or damage to the developing brain. It affects a child's ability to control their muscles, and it can vary widely in severity. If your child was diagnosed with cerebral palsy shortly...
Missed medical diagnosis leads to $2.6 million jury award
Patients not only place trust in their physicians to perform and interpret medical tests; they also expect a presentation of accurate results and an understanding of their condition. Doctors may, however, overlook items in the results of about 62% of their patients'...
Does MS allow alternative proof of financial responsibility?
As a fault-state, Mississippi requires drivers to carry liability insurance of at least 25/50/25. What this means is that if you get behind the wheel of a vehicle, you must have enough bodily injury insurance to cover at least $25,000 per person and $50,000 per...
What is pure comparative negligence?
Mississippi is a pure comparative negligence state. In short, this means that you may remain eligible for compensation after an injury even if you were partially at fault. In some states, you may not receive compensation for an injury if you contributed at all to the...
How can I choose the best nursing home for a loved one?
While it is a difficult decision, nursing home care is best for older adults with advanced health problems or cognitive issues. A good nursing home ensures your loved one is safe and secure, while also removing the burden from family. Choosing the right facility is...
Medical Misdiagnosis Is Common But Very Fixable
We’re all familiar with the game of telephone. Someone with a certain message whispers it to the person next to them, who then whispers to the person next to them. So it goes down the line. By the time the message reaches the end, it is likely to be entirely different...
Pursuing legal action after a boat-related injury
Mississippians enjoy an active outdoor life. With over two dozen beautiful state parks, hundreds of lakes and the very active Mississippi River, much of that outdoor activity happens on a boat. Recreational boats allow Mississippians to enjoy some of the best local...
Elements of a Mississippi Slip-and-Fall Lawsuit
Let’s say that you are enjoying a stroll through one of Mississippi’s nearly three dozen casinos. You are on your way to the buffet when you slip on a wet floor and crack your head on the ground. You look around and there is no sign warning of a freshly mopped floor....
Tips for avoiding truck accidents as a cyclist or pedestrian
A loaded semi-truck can weigh up to 80,000 pounds. If an 18-wheeler hits you while you are walking or biking, you can sustain catastrophic injuries from which you may never fully recover. Since the odds are against you due to the truck's hard body and massive weight,...