Tips to avoid crosswalk accidents

On Behalf of | Sep 4, 2024 | Personal Injury |

Crosswalk safety is an important issue where pedestrians and drivers need to remain vigilant to prevent accidents. Whether you are driving in a busy city or a quiet town, being aware of your surroundings can make all the difference. 

Slow down in school zones

School zones are particularly sensitive areas where crosswalk accidents can easily occur. Always reduce your speed when approaching a school zone, especially during school hours. Children may unexpectedly enter the crosswalk, and driving at a slower speed gives you more time to react.

Never pass a stopped bus

Passing a stopped school bus is illegal and endangers children crossing the road. According to Mississippi law (Section 63), all drivers must stop when a bus flashes red lights and extends its stop sign, applying to both directions on two-lane roads. On divided highways, only traffic moving in the same direction must stop, especially where crosswalks are present. Always wait until the bus moves before continuing your journey.

Stay alert at all times

Distracted driving is a leading cause of crosswalk accidents. Whether you are checking your phone, adjusting the radio, or engaging in conversation, taking your eyes off the road can have dire consequences. Remain alert and keep an eye out for pedestrians, particularly in high-traffic areas.

Crosswalk safety

Drivers can avoid crosswalk accidents by adopting a mindful approach to driving. Remember, a little caution can go a long way in keeping everyone safe. Reducing the risk of injury is not just about following the rules; it’s about ensuring the well-being of everyone on the road.

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