You may accept a quick settlement offer to wrap things up quickly after an accident. While agreeing to an early offer sounds convenient, it could be an expensive mistake that could come back to haunt you. Settling your claim before you have a full scope of your...
Personal Injury
Pothole injuries in parking lots: Can you be compensated?
Not only can potholes cause severe damage to your vehicle, but they are also a menace to pedestrians. The most common injuries are sprained ankles, twisted knees, and scraped shins. So, can you be compensated for a pothole injury that occurs in a business’ parking...
Are landlords responsible for home invasion (break-in) injuries?
When you exchange money for a rental home, you are entitled to more than mere shelter. You also have the right to live free of worry about suffering an injury on the premises. In other words, your landlord must ensure the premise remains reasonably safe from accidents...
Product safety when colder weather hits
While Mississippi isn’t known for having horrible winter storms, colder weather still happens during the winter months. In Batesville, crisp winter nights are common and snowflakes aren’t that unusual. You must ensure that you’re using the right tools and products to...
Kids, personal injury and car safety
Busy families with busy schedules have become the hallmark of the modern family. Minor children's schedules are often just as full as their parents'. Tutoring, practices and events often leave parents relying on others to transport their children. Personal injuries...
2 risks that you take when you visit a casino in Mississippi
The Mississippi casino industry is a huge tourist draw that employs hundreds of people. Enjoying a little gambling in Mississippi can be a great way to mark a special occasion with loved ones or just turn a boring weekend into a fabulous one. You might go to a casino...
The dangers of medication errors
With all of the emphasis today on making sure that every pain pill and dose of cough syrup is tightly controlled, you’d think that medication errors would be virtually non-existent. However, that’s far from the case. In fact, medication errors injure roughly 1.5...
When can someone else’s negligence play a role in your injury?
When you patronize a business or spend time on someone’s personal property, the owner has a responsibility to help keep you safe from foreseeable harm. For example, a retail store owner must keep the floors in good condition or warn you about possible hazards (such as...
Bedsores may be a sign of neglect
It is not always easy to make the decision to send loved ones to a nursing home. However, at times there is too much care needed to let them continue to live without ongoing assistance. If you have a loved one who is living in a home and has difficulty getting out of...
Suffering facial injuries can impair people for life
Some people feel self-conscious about scarring on the arms, hands, legs or feet, but serious facial injuries could affect the mental well-being of almost anyone. According to the American Medical Association Journal of Ethics, a person's face is more than just a...