How Do You Pay Medical Bills After An Accident?
If you were injured due to someone else’s negligence, that person’s insurance company is responsible for paying your medical bills. Unfortunately, the insurance company will not pay anything until your case is resolved through a settlement or verdict at trial. In the meantime, you need medical care.
Without treatment, your condition could worsen. Your suffering could be unnecessarily prolonged. In addition, without medical records, you will not be able to prove to the insurance company that you were injured.
Here are several potential ways to get the care that you need after an accident:
1. The other driver’s car insurance
If you were injured in a car wreck that was caused by another driver, you can file a claim against their insurance company to pay your medical bills and other losses. This payment, if you are successful, will be in the form of a lump-sum payment after your case is resolved.
2. Uninsured/Underinsured motorist policies
If you were in a car accident caused by an uninsured or underinsured driver, you may have coverage through your own auto insurance that will pay your related medical bills. For an underinsured claim, you must obtain your insurance company’s approval before you settle the claim against the other driver.
3. Your health insurance
If you have private medical coverage through an employer or some other means, your insurance will usually cover your bills for things like hospital visits, doctor visits and physical therapy. Your insurance company may expect reimbursement after you collect damages from the other driver’s insurance company. Our attorneys can negotiate on your behalf so you can keep as much of your award as possible.
4. Medicare or Medicaid coverage
If you have Medicare or Medicaid insurance, these federally funded insurance programs will cover many of your medical bills after an accident. The government will expect reimbursement after your case is resolved. Again, an experienced attorney can protect your financial interests.
At Bailey, Womble & Yelton, our lawyers know that dealing with issues such as medical bills and car repairs can add to your stress after an accident. We are here to deal with the legal and insurance issues so you can concentrate on your recovery. Call us at 662-267-1776 to schedule a free consultation with a lawyer. We can also be reached online. Our office is located in Batesville, but we gladly serve clients throughout northwest Mississippi.